Bathmate routine | DLD hardcore stretches and girth

Bathmate Routine
Get yourself 100% erect and attach the Bathmate. I like to use water in the chamber; this Bathmate routine can be done dry if the proper pressure can be found or in the bath or shower.
Pump up to high pressure. You will want enough suction that you can pull on the Bathmate with intensity, and the Bathmate stays attached.
Once good suction is found, you can start the exercise. It may be necessary to repump periodically to keep good suction for these stretches.
Bathmate Upward Stretches
Upward Stretches: At an upward angle, using both hands, stretch the chamber upward. You will not be able to go straight up as the tube will get in the way, so go as high as possible. Do 3 stretches for 30 seconds each.
Straight Outward Stretches to Center: Again, be sure to have good suction. Three stretches for 30 seconds.
Straight Out to the Left: Three stretches for 30 seconds.
Straight Out to the Right: Three stretches for 30 seconds.
Bathmate Downward Stretches
Now, downward stretches will feel a bit different as you will be stretching and pulling-pushing against the erection angle (unless you have a low erection angle). Either way, this will be the most intense part).
Again, be sure to have good suction and good EQ.
Straight Down Stretch: Three stretches for 30 seconds.
Straight Down to the Left: Three stretches for 30 seconds.
Straight Down to the Right: Three stretches for 30 seconds.
Penis Girth Routine
Girth Program: 5x5x3
Five Minute Slow Squash Jelq 5 Minutes in the Bathmate full intensity
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq: Five Minutes in the Bathmate full intensity
5 Minute Slow Squash Jelq: Five Minutes in the Bathmate full intensity
Attach DuroRing to retain girth
After Jelq /Bathmate Session: Warm Down
PC Muscle Fitness
Do not skip this, Kegels are vital to good Erection Quality!
100 quick Kegel squeezes
Fifty of the following: Squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can, hold for 5 seconds then slowly release for 2 seconds. When you have finished the 50, your PC muscle will be screaming; this is a good sign.
Now to finish the exercise start squeezing and hold for 1 minute, if you get tired, squeeze harder until the minute is complete.
Finish with Testicle Health Massage
I have always trained seven days on no days off. I think this type of schedule promotes a more habitual program. For me, days off can quickly turn into weeks off, so it was better for me to be a daily trainer.
I also believe that the penis only needs 24 hours of recovery before it needs to be trained again. Some guys either do not have the time for this, or it may be too difficult at first. In this case, I recommend deducting one day at a time until the perfect routine is created, i.e. six days on one day off, five days on two days off.